So long Boston!

So long Boston!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Never Take Clean Feet for Granted!

Hari Om!
So in short the therapy course ended about 20day ago.  Since then we went to the beaches of Goa, then came back to Nasik to see the Swami and work 10 days at the yoga therapy center-this was totally incredible, if you were wondering.  Which catches you up to the present*   Allie and I are now heading out on a night train up the Delhi tonight and will make our way into the Himalayas around the 16th!  It is pushing 100+F here daily, so it will be quite a relief to get up north.  It also will be cleaner and BEAUTIFUL!  We are going towards the source of the ganges...think glacier clear water :)  I can't even begin to discuss how wonderful this India adventure has been and how much I have grown and learned.  But alas, after just a 17days loop up north and I fly out of Delhi to Thailand 30 April.  More of that to come...but things are looking good <3  Much love to you all  <3  I think about you everyday!

Enjoy the pics-they are more or less in order :)
 Lots of snakes!!

The scenery was beautiful*  Mountains all around

 Mud Treatments
 2 of my roommates-Sanja & Leslie
 2 half moons makes a full...

A trip to Old Nasik:

 Train to Goa!

 The beach is lined with bars at Anjuna*

 ...not so modest here*

 Nothing like fresh coconuts off the side of the road :)
 Beach at sunrise (6am is now sleeping in for us!)
 Sandcastles and mangos on the beach
 Me and Allie in our sleeper compartment on the bus back north
 Swami Naranjananda
 This made my month!
 Happy Gudi Padwa!
 Therapy Center

 The goood short cut...uh possible tetanus shot required
 Coconuts to go...
 On the last the the therapy center women (Foola & Rashne) dressed us up!
 The winery

Temple in Old Nasik